What is F.M.O?
F.M.O is our Mens ministry at Oasis which stands for, “For Men Only”. We don’t consider F.M.O a group or a class but rather an experience that is designed to strengthen men to be the mighty men of God that they are called to be. We know that when men are mature and living for God, He gives us the strength to be better husbands, fathers, friends and an overall positive impact on our community and our peers.
When does F.M.O meet?
We meet on the last Friday or last Saturday of every month at 7:30pm in the Life Training Centre. Whether you are coming straight from work or home, food and childcare are always provided. All you have to do is show up, relax and have a stress free, powerful experience. Click Here for 22/23 dates
What is our purpose?
Our commitment to brotherhood is to concentrate on building bonds that will last a life time. Its not about just coming to hang out, its about building relationships with other men who are going through or have gone through what you are currently struggling with. Through each others testimonies and encouragement, we believe that no man is alone and we will do what it takes to help our brothers through difficult times.
During your FMO experience...
Confidentiality is always respected. What happens at F.M.O, stays at F.M.O. We want to make sure that every man knows that they can share in confidence without judgement and knowing that what they share will remain with us and not be discussed outside F.M.O. Don't feel comfortable sharing? No problem. Sometimes we can get exactly what we are looking for from listening to others share their story.
We make sure that no man is left behind. At F.M.O we are all brothers and we will not leave any man to go through challenges alone. Through prayer, encouragement and hands on help, we will do what we can to assist our men through their difficult times.
We utilize the acronym F.I.R.E which stand for, Form, Interact, Receive and Encourage. We want to make sure that all men FORM bonds that extend outside of church, INTERACT with one another consistently, not sit in a corner alone and unapproachable, RECEIVE the word thats being taught and be intentional to apply God’s teaching to grow spiritually and always ENCOURAGE one another in the Lord.