As the leadership of Oasis, we have been in constant discussions on creating a safe protocol for re-gathering at our home location. We want to make sure that we are taking every precaution to protect the health and safety of our members. We have been monitoring each statement that Governor Murphy has made in regards to church gatherings and we are doing our part to stay compliant with state regulations.
Although we are excited and anxious to see everyone in person again, we are going to make sure that we do not make hasty decisions that we would regret later. We are praying for wisdom and we appreciate your patience and support.
Currently we are getting our sanctuary ready to reopen. We are making sure that safety features are in place, while also taking the opportunity to redesign our stage area. The sanctuary will be ready for occupancy by late September. Below is a detailed plan of what you can expect as we begin the reopening process. Phase details are subject to change at any time due to changes or updates in state regulations. We will update this document if any changes need to be made in order to be in compliance.
Phase 1- Late September
Live worship and message will resume in our main sanctuary on Sunday mornings.
Allowed participants will initially be staff/leadership and families only.
Social distancing practices will be in effect.
Masks are to be worn when entering the building until seated.
Temperature checks will be administered
Services will continue to be live streamed at 10am and 11:45am.
No children’s ministries will be available.
Touch less hand sanitizers will be available in the lobby.
Weekly small groups, men’s women ministries, youth and celebrate recovery will be allowed to meet outdoors on premise. A guideline of outdoor social distancing practices along with bathroom use will be provided to ministries scheduling outdoor meetings.
Phase 2- Mid October
We will begin to open Sunday Services to our congregation for the 10am and 11:45am services. Services will continue to be live streamed at 10am and 11:45am as well.
Pre-Registration will be required on our website to ensure that we do not exceed state limitations. (Currently 25% of our sanctuary capacity or 100 people. Whichever is lower) Once registration is full, it will be closed for the week.
Participants must be registered by Friday at 8pm on the weekend which they are planning to attend.
Face masks are to be worn when entering the building until seated.
Social distancing of 6 feet is required at all times.
The sanctuary seats will be set up in clusters for registered families with each cluster spaced apart with a 6 ft radius.
Physical contact will be avoided such as hand shakes, hugs, kisses.
Digital temperature checks will be required to enter the building.
Bathroom’s will be occupied one person at a time. (Unless a parent is accompanying a child)
Possible children’s activities outdoors under tents. Social distancing will be enforced. Teachers will wear masks.
All staff who contact congregants will be required to wear masks
Seats and contact surfaces will be sanitized and wiped down before and after each service.
Touch less hand sanitizers will be available in the lobby.
Giving will be collected digitally or you may drop envelopes in foyer Dropbox. Buckets will not be passed.
At the completion of each service. There will be no congregating or gathering in the parking lot or church premise.
Weekly small groups, men’s women ministries, youth and celebrate recovery will be allowed to meet indoors.
If you have been in contact with someone who was diagnosed with COVID-19, are feeling symptoms or have a temperature, please watch the service online to ensure your safety and the safety of your fellow church members.
Phase 3- Late Fall
Allowed number of guests presumed to be expanded (based on state regulations). Registration still is required. Participants must be registered by Friday at 8pm on the weekend which they are planning to attend.
Overflow area will be available at LTC.
We will reopen 8:30am services.
Social distancing will be enforced.
Masks are to be worn up until you are seated. Then they may be removed.
Digital temperature checks will be required to enter the building.
After service prayer will be available. Masks will be required for one on one prayer.
Children’s church reopened downstairs. Social distancing will be regulated.
Seats and contact surfaces will be sanitized and wiped down before and after each service.
If you have been in contact with someone who was diagnosed with COVID-19, are feelings symptoms or have a temperature, please watch the service online to ensure your safety and the safety of your fellow church members
Weekly small groups, men’s women ministries, youth and celebrate recovery will be allowed to meet indoors.
And post service gatherings or conversations must be taken outside in the parking lot. No congregating in the sanctuary or lobby will be allowed.
Phase 4- TBD
Three services will return to pre-COVID attendance policies and seating. No registration will be required.
Hand sanitizers will be available on premise.
Masks are not required, but are encouraged for those who don’t feel comfortable.
Keeping safe distances will be recommended.
One on one prayer will resort back to pre COVID practices.
Collections in the sanctuary will resort back to pre COVID practices.
Seats and contact surfaces will be sanitized and wiped down before and after each service.
If you have been in contact with someone who was diagnosed with COVID-19, are feelings symptoms or have a temperature, please watch the service online to ensure your safety and the safety of your fellow church members
All ministry activities will continue to pre COVID practices. Digital temperature checks may still be enforced for small group activities and children’s programs.